

姓名 周子健 研究


职称 副教授


电话 15207128853


起止时间 学习或工作单位 同时期任职
2020.5-至今 华中科技大学能源与动力工程学院,煤燃烧国家重点实验室 讲师、副教授、硕士生导师
2017.6-2020.5 华中科技大学能源与动力工程学院,煤燃烧国家重点实验室 博士后
2014.9-2017.6 华中科技大学,能源与动力工程学院,煤燃烧国家重点实验室 博士研究生
2012.9-2014.6 华中科技大学,能源与动力工程学院,煤燃烧国家重点实验室 硕士研究生
2008.9-2012.6 西安交通大学,能源与动力工程学院 本科


  • 负责项目:

    1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,电场耦合“存储-催化燃烧”脱除可凝结颗粒物有机组分的基础研究,2023.1-2026.12

    2. 国家自然科学基金医工交叉专项(重点类),不同燃煤低碳发电产业区域人群污染物暴露和早期心肺健康效应及潜在机制研究,2023.1-2026.12

    3. 国家重点研发计划子课题,高碱煤碱金属在变负荷调峰工况下的释放、迁移、富集和成灰特性,2023.12-2027.11

    4. 湖北省自然科学基金面上项目,限域增强的活性位耦合自由基高效协同催化氧化烟气NO和Hg的机理研究,2023.1-2024.12

    5. 天津大学开放课题,静电场强化船舶柴油机颗粒物催化氧化的基础研究,2023.04-2025.04

    6. 山西大唐国际神头发电有限公司,飞灰提取物用于热化学储能的技术经济性评价,2024-2024

    7. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,SO3和飞灰无机组分对汞多相转化反应与动力学的影响机制(51906078),2020-2022

    8. 国家重点研发计划专项项目燃煤过程有机污染物排放控制技术子课题(2018YFB0605205-3):燃煤过程有机污染物与其他污染物协同控制技术的工程应用研究(2018.05-2021.04)

    9. 中国博士后科学基金第11批特别资助

    10. 中国博士后科学基金第62批面上

    11. 湖北省博士后创新岗位和博士后科技活动项目择优资助

    12. 企业委托项目,建投遵化热电有限责任公司#1、#2炉SCR汞氧化性能考核

  • 参与项目:

    1. 参与国家重点研发计划专项项目:燃煤PM2.5及Hg控制技术(2016-2019)

    2. 参与国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)课题:化石燃料燃烧排放PM2.5源头控制技术的基础研究(课题一 矿物质细颗粒物燃烧形成与控制研究)(2013-2017)

    3. 参与国家自然科学基金重点基金:燃煤电厂烟气汞及典型重金属排放和脱除机理研究

    4. 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目:燃煤过程中添加吸附剂抑制超细颗粒物生成的机理研究

    5. 参与企业项目,广东电网有限责任公司电力科学研究院,低负荷能耗分析及超净排放控制技术研究

    6. 参与企业项目,佛山恒益电厂,恒益电厂#1、#2炉空预器漏风及阻力测试

    7. 参与企业项目,武汉市科学技术局、武汉凯迪控股投资有限公司,燃煤电站SCR烟气脱硝关键技术及成套设备产业化

    8. 参与企业项目,国网湖南省电力公司电力科学研究院,湖南华电长沙发电有限公司 1 号锅炉基于脱硝系统出口NOx 在线测量装置的喷氨优化试验

    9. 参与企业项目,江西电力科学研究院:南昌新昌电厂低温省煤器运行后颗粒物及汞的测试

    10. 参与企业项目,中国华能集团清洁能源研究院,煤中添加溴化钙对汞的生成与控制的影响研究


  • 荣誉:

    1. 2019福布斯中国30位30岁以下精英榜(能源领域30 under 30)

    2. 美国国家航天局技术简报“创造未来”技术创新“百大创新奖”

    3. Recognized and Outstanding Reviewers-Fuel

  • 国际期刊:

    1. Peng, Siyi; Zhou, Zijian; Xu, Jie; Liu, Hongyi; Liang, Xingyu; Wang, Zhuozhi; Xu, Minghou; Elvis Cao, Xiangkun, Identifying the active sites and their interaction mechanism in the CO catalytic combustion process over Co3O4. [J] Separation and Purification Technology 2025, 353, 128401.

    2. Sun, Jian; Li, Keke; Xiong, Yunhan; Li, Xiaohui; Zhang, Xiaoyu; Sun, Rongyue; Zhou, Zijian, Microtubule-structured, dolomite-derived CO2 sorbents synthesized by impregnated layer solution combustion for direct solar-driven calcium looping. [J] Separation and Purification Technology 2025, 354, 128980.

    3. Liu, Lei; Zhou, Zijian; Zhang, Xingqiang; Zhou, Yue; Zeng, Pengxin; Liang, Xingyu; Liu, Xiaowei; Xu, Minghou, Theoretical investigation of the post-combustion recovery process in cobalt-based zero-carbon fuels. [J] Fuel 2024, 375, 132691.

    4. Peng, Dejun; Zhou, Zijian; Zhou, Yue; Guo, Qi; Peng, Siyi; Liu, Xiaowei; Xu, Minghou, Mercury removal performance of sulfated MnCe catalyst prepared by tobacco waste combustion synthesis. [J] Fuel 2024, 363, 130894.

    5. Peng, Zhengkang; Liu, Hanxiao; Zhang, Chuxuan; Zhai, Yunfei; Hu, Wei; Tan, Yuyao; Li, Xiaomin; Zhou, Zijian; Gong, Xun, Potential Strategy to Control the Organic Components of Condensable Particulate Matter: A Critical Review. [J] Environmental Science & Technology 2024, 58 (18), 7691-7709.

    6. Wang, Changqing; Liu, Lei; Long, Yun; Zhou, Zijian; Sun, Jian; Liu, Wenqiang; Xu, Minghou, Comparative investigation on CO2 uptake performance of limestone-derived sorbents with different supports synthesized by impregnated layer solution combustion method. [J] Separation and Purification Technology 2024, 332, 125737.

    7. Zhou, Lei; Xu, Jie; Wei, Siyi; Liu, Lei; Zhou, Zijian; Liu, Xiaowei, Fabrication of NiFe-LDH/MoS2 2D/2D material to construct direct Z-scheme heterojunction for enhanced CO2 photocatalytic reduction under visible light irradiation. [J] Carbon Capture Science & Technology 2024, 12, 100223.

    8. Zhou, Zijian; Peng, Dejun; Xu, Le; Yu, Tianlong; Wang, Zhuozhi; Xu, Jie; Shen, Boxiong, Charge modulation of selenospinel by Mn modification to generate unsaturated Se sites for highly efficient mercury capture. [J] Chemical Engineering Journal 2024, 496, 153779.

    9. Guo, Qi; Zhou, Zijian; Yao, Kehui; Wei, Siyi; Liang, Xingyu; Cheng, Shan; Xu, Minghou, Enhancing Soot Catalytic Combustion Performance of SmMn2O5 via Surface Etching. [J] Energy & Fuels 2024, 38 (18), 17891-17900.

    10. Liu, Lei; Zhou, Zijian; Cao, Xiangkun Elvis; Zhou, Yue; Peng, Dejun; Liu, Ying; Liu, Xiaowei; Xu, Minghou, Screening of optimal dopants on cobalt-based ceramics for high-temperature thermochemical energy storage. [J] Ceramics International 2023, 49 (2), 2329-2339.

    11. Yue Zhou, Zijian Zhou, Jian Sun, Lei Liu, Fei Luo, Guorong Xu, Xiangkun Elvis Cao, Minghou Xu; Ruddlesden-Popper-type perovskite Sr3Fe2O7−δ for enhanced thermochemical energy storage. [J] EcoMat. 2023; 5(7):e12347

    12. Zijian Zhou, Lei Liu, Qi Guo, Xinbo Zhu, Xiaowei Liu, and Minghou Xu; Improving the Discharge Rate of Co3O4-Based Thermochemical Energy Storage Material with Eutectic Doping of Zr. [J] Energy & Fuels 2023 37 (20), 16087-16096

    13. Xu, L.; Chen, J.; Zhao, P.; Shen, B.; Zhou, Z.; Wang, Z., Stable Loading of TiO(2) Catalysts on the Surface of Metal Substrate for Enhanced Photocatalytic Toluene Oxidation. [J] Molecules 2023, 28 (17).

    14. Zhou Yue, Zhou Zijian, Liu Lei, Peng Dejun, Liu Fangqi, Sun Jian, Gong Xun. FeOx-Based Minerals Derived from Coal-Fired Fly Ash Used for High-Temperature Thermochemical Energy Storage[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2022.

    15. Liu Lei, Zhou Zijian, Zhou Yue, Peng Dejun, Liu Xiaowei, Xu Minghou. Co2.8Mg0.2O4 as a promising thermochemical energy storage material with lower reduction onset temperature and higher energy density[J]. Journal of Energy Storage, 2022,55:105594.

    16. Yingchao Hu, Lei Liu, Wenqiang Liu, Zijian Zhou*,Structurally improved Li4SiO4 sorbents derived from lithium salicylate precursor for enhanced CO2 capture,Fuel Processing Technology,Volume 224,2021.

    17. Liu Lei, Zhou Zijian*, Liu Xiaowei, Liu Ying, Xu Jie, Xia Hongqiang, Xu Minghou. CoOx ceramics synthesized by a facile and rapid combustion method and its application for thermochemical energy storage. Ceramics International. 2021.

    18. Lei Liu, Zijian Zhou*, Changqing Wang, Jie Xu, Hongqiang Xia, Guozhang Chang, Xiaowei Liu, and Minghou Xu, "Superior thermochemical energy storage performance of the Co3O4/CoO redox couple with a cubic micro-nanostructure," Journal of Energy Storage 43, 103167 2021.

    19. Jie Xu, Aoyang Zhang, Zijian Zhou*, Changqing Wang, Lidan Deng, Lei Liu, Hongqiang Xia, and Minghou Xu, "Elemental Mercury Removal from Flue Gas over Silver-Loaded CuS-Wrapped Fe3O4 Sorbent," ENERG FUEL 35 (17), 13975-13983 2021.

    20. Xiong Haiping, Zhu Xinbo*, Lu Shangmin, Zhou Chunlin, Xu Weiping, Zhou Zijian*. Enhancement of plasma-catalytic oxidation of ethylene oxide (EO) over Fe-Mn catalysts in a dielectric barrier discharge reactor [J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 147675.

    21. Cao Tiantian, Wang Chenghong, Zhou Zijian*, Liu Lei, Xu Shengming, Song Haitao, Lin Wei, Xu Zhenghe. Magnetic multi-functional SBA-15 supported silver nanocomposites: Synthesis, characterization and application [J]. Applied Surface Science, 2021, 552(149487.

    22. Zijian Zhou,Tiantian Cao,Xiaowei Liu*,Jie Xu,Lidan Deng,Chengpu Li,Jing Liu, Minghou Xu. Mechanistic investigation of elemental mercury adsorption over silver-modified vanadium silicate:A DFT study,Journal of Hazardous Materials,404(2021)124108.

    23. Lidan Deng, Zijian Zhou*, Tetsuya Shishido*, Behavior of active species on Pt-Sn/SiO2 catalyst during the dehydrogenation of propane and regeneration, Applied Catalysis A, General 606(2020)117826.

    24. Zijian Zhou, Xiaowei Liu, Chengpu Li, Yuandong Yang, Jie Xu, Minghou Xu. Flaming combustion and smoldering of active impregnated cigarette butts: A novel method for synthesis of nanostructured MnOx catalysts for NOx reduction, Fuel 277 (2020) 118230

    25. Zhou Zijian, Liu Xiaowei, Li Chengpu, Elvis Cao Xiangkun, Xu Minghou. Seawater-assisted synthesis of MnCe/zeolite-13X for removing elemental mercury from coal-fired flue gas [J]. Fuel, 2020, 262(116605.

    26. Yang Yuandong, Liu Wenqiang, Hu Yingchao, Sun Jian, Tong Xianliang,Li Qiuwan,                                                                          Zhou Zijian*. Novel low cost Li4SiO4-based sorbent with naturally occurring wollastonite as Si-source for cyclic CO2 capture [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 374(328-37.
    27. Zhou Zijian, Cao Tiantian, Liu Xiaowei, Xu Shengming, Xu Zhenghe, Xu Minghou. Vanadium silicate (EVS)-supported silver nanoparticles: A novel catalytic sorbent for elemental mercury removal from flue gas [J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 375(1-8).

    28. Zhou Zijian, Leng Erwei, Li Chengpu, Zhu Xinbo, Zhao Bo. Insights into the Inhibitory Effect of H2O on Hg‐Catalytic Oxidation over the MnOx‐Based Catalysts [J]. ChemistrySelect, 2019, 4(11): 3259-65.

    29. Zhou Zijian, Liu Xiaowei*, Xu Jie, Cao Xiangkun Elvis, Zhu Xinbo. Elemental mercury removal over a novel starch-modified MnOx/bentonite composite [J]. Fuel Processing Technology, 2019, 187(16-20).

    30. Yongjun Xia, Zhiqiang Liao, Yan Zheng, Zijian Zhou*, Highly Dispersed Mn–Ce Binary Metal Oxides Supported on Carbon Nanofibers for Hg0 Removal from Coal-Fired Flue Gas [J],Applied Science,2018, 8, 2501.

    31. Hu Yingchao, Liu Wenqiang*, Yang Yuandong, Tong Xianliang, Chen Qianjun, Zhou Zijian*. Synthesis of highly efficient, structurally improved Li 4 SiO 4 sorbents for high-temperature CO 2 capture [J]. Ceramics International, 2018, 44(14): 16668-77.

    32. Zijian Zhou, Xiaowei Liu,*, Yingchao Hu, Jie Xu, Xiangkun Elvis Cao, Zhiqiang Liao, Minghou Xu,Investigation on synergistic oxidation behavior of NO and Hg0 during the newly designed fast SCR process,Fuel 225 (2018) pp. 134-139.

    33. Zhou Zijian, Liu Xiaowei, Hu Yingchao, Liao Zhiqiang,Cheng Shan,Xu Minghou. An efficient sorbent based on CuCl 2 loaded CeO 2 -ZrO 2 for elemental mercury removal from chlorine-free flue gas [J]. Fuel, 2018, 216(356-63).

    34. Zhou ZiJian, Liu Xiao-Wei, Zhao Bo, Chen Zhen-Guo, Shao Hai-Zhong, Wang Le-Le, Xu Ming-Hou. Effects of existing energy saving and air pollution control devices on mercury removal in coal-fired power plants. Fuel Processing Technology, 2015, 131: 99-108.

    35. Zhou Zijian, Liu Xiaowei, Zhao Bo, Shao Haizhong, Xu Yishu, Xu Minghou. Elemental mercury oxidation over manganese-based perovskite-type catalyst at low temperature. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 288: 701-710. (ESI高被引)

    36. Zhou Zijian, Liu Xiaowei, Liao Zhiqiang, Shao Haizhong, Lv Chen, Hu Yingchao, Xu Minghou. Manganese doped CeO2-ZrO2 catalyst for elemental mercury oxidation at low temperature. Fuel Processing Technology, 2016, 152: 285-293.

    37. Zhou Zijian, Liu Xiaowei, Liao Zhiqiang, Shao Haizhong, Hu Yingchao, Xu Yishu, Xu Minghou. A novel low temperature catalyst regenerated from deactivated SCR catalyst for Hg0 oxidation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 304: 121-128.

  • 国内期刊:

    1. 周子健,刘小伟,葛振武,夏永俊,廖志强,江盟,邵海忠. 基于失活商业脱硝催化剂制备的再生SCR催化剂性能研究, 中国电机工程学报, 2017 , 37 (9) :2614-2621

  • 专利:

    1. 刘磊; 周子健; 刘小伟; 徐明厚; 周玥; 彭德骏;一种铜铈氧化物及其制备方法和应用;2024.03.01;CN115353140B

    2. 刘磊; 周子健; 刘小伟; 徐明厚; 周玥; 彭德骏;一种Mg修饰的低反应温度、高储热密度钴基热化学储热材料及其制备方法;2023.10.24;CN115058230B

    3. 周子健; 周玥; 刘小伟; 徐明厚; 刘磊; 彭德骏;一种燃煤飞灰中磁珠应用于热化学储热的优化方法;2023.08.25;CN115011316B

    4. 周子健; 曾志强; 程才; 闫毅; 黄润杰; 杨晨; 陈逸铮; 郭旗; 刘磊; 刘小伟;一种基于四氧化三钴储热介质面向太阳能的储能反应器;2022.03.11;CN113251679B

    5. 周子健; 曾志强; 程才; 刘磊; 闫毅; 刘小伟; 徐明厚;一种具有热化学储能性能的四氧化三钴的制备方法及产品;2022.02.15;CN112960702B

    6. 授权发明专利:一种燃煤烟气中单质汞的处理方法ZL 2014 1 0727050. X

    7. 授权发明专利:一种协同脱汞的脱硝催化剂及其制备方法ZL 2013 1 0462781. 1

    8. 授权发明专利:锅炉烟气的脱汞吸附方法以及废弃混凝土的再生方法CN201610058198.8

    9. 授权发明专利:一种脱汞脱硝协同催化剂的制备方法CN201610035635.4

    10. 授权发明专利:A Mn doped cerium-zirconium solid solution used for flue gas mercury and toluene removal and a preparation method thereof;2021100281(mfvy)

    11. 申请发明专利:一种用于烟气的脱汞吸附剂及其制备方法与应用CN201611119518.2

    12. 申请发明专利:淀粉改性膨润土烟气脱汞吸附剂及其制备方法201811159295.1

    13. 申请发明专利:一种Mn掺杂铈锆固溶体的烟气脱汞催化剂及其制备方法201811160361.7

    14. 申请发明专利:用于烟气脱汞的KI-淀粉改性膨润土吸附剂及其制备方法201811162606.X