祝贺徐明厚科研团队赴韩参加第36届国际燃烧会议取得圆满成功 Posted by ylhe92 on 2016年08月05日 本站讯(通讯员:温昶)2016年7月31日,徐明厚教授科研团队7位老师携研究生吴建群、孙健、成珊、冷尔唯、周子健和喻鑫共13人出席了在韩国首尔COEX国际会展中心举行的为期6天的第36届国际燃烧会议(International Symposium on Combustion)。国际燃烧学会系列学术会议是国际燃烧界最高等级学术会议,每两年举办一次。本次会议设有Turbulent Flames, Diagnostics, IC Engines, Laminar Flames, Reaction Kinetics, Sprays, Gas Turbines, Soot, Pollutants, Solid Fuels, Novel Concepts, Explosions & Supersonic, Fire等分会场,共有507篇论文被接收进行口头报告的宣读。 会议期间,课题组共宣读了6篇口头报告,张贴了2篇海报论文,为国内出席人数和论文录用数最多的课题组之一。徐老师担任了3号上午Solid Fuels分会场的主席。吴建群和孙健的报告分配在Pollutants专场,于敦喜老师、温昶老师、成珊和冷尔唯的报告分配在Solid Fuels专场。本次会议Pollutants研究方向共接收投稿53篇,仅录用17篇为口头报告;Solid Fuels方向共接收投稿113篇,仅录用34篇口头报告。课题组对这两个专业方向的成果贡献达到了12%之多。 通过本次会议,课题组老师们与国际同行就课题组的研究工作进行了深入地探讨,学生们则开阔了视野,了解了国际上最前沿的学术动态。第37届国际燃烧会议将于2018年7月29至8月3日在爱尔兰首都都柏林举行,第38届会议将于4年后在澳大利亚阿德莱德举行。期待课题组再创辉煌! 附表:课题组会议报告论文信息列表 No. Author Title Category 1G05 Weizhi Lv, Dunxi Yu, Jianqun Wu, Xin Yu, Yifan Du, Minghou Xu A mechanistic study of the effects of CO2 on pyrrhotite oxidation Oral 1G13 Jian Sun, Wenqiang Liu, Hongqiang Chen, Yang Zhang, Yingchao Hu, Wenyu Wang, Xian Li, Minghou Xu Stabilized CO2 capture performance of extruded-spheronized CaO-based pellets by microalgae templating Oral 2G05 Shan Cheng, Yu Qiao, Jingchun Huang, Liwen Cao, Huaizhou Yang, Huan Liu, Yun Yu, Minghou Xu Effect of alkali addition on sulfur transformation during low temperature pyrolysis of sewage sludge Oral 2G09 Chang Wen, Penghui Zhang, Dunxi Yu, Minghou Xu Loading the same contents of sodium and quartz into different ash-removed coals to elaborately investigate the effect of coal particle combustion on the emission behavior of PM10 Oral 4G02 Erwei Leng, Yang Wang, Xun Gong, Biao Zhang, Yang Zhang, Minghou Xu Effect of KCl and CaCl2 loading on the formation of reaction intermediates during cellulose fast pyrolysis Oral 5G08 Weizhi Lv, Dunxi Yu, Jianqun Wu, Xin Yu, Yifan Du, Minghou Xu A kinetic study on oxidation of ferrous sulfide (FeS) in mixtures of CO2 and H2O Oral 1P104 Zijian Zhou, Xiaowei Liu, Minghou Xu A novel low temperature catalyst regenerated from deactivated SCR catalyst for HgO oxidation Poster 5P088 Jianqun Wu, Dunxi Yu, Weizhi Lv, Xin Yu, Minghou Xu Investigation on pyrite transformation and its impacts on ash deposition during oxy-fuel combustion in drop tube furnace Poster 附图1:第36届国际燃烧会议论文接收比率列表图 附图2:课题组参加会议师生合影 附图3:于敦喜教授口头报告 附图4:温昶讲师口头报告 附图5:成珊博士口头报告 附图6:吴建群博士口头报告 附图7:孙建博士口头报告 附图8:冷尔唯博士口头报告