
本站讯(通讯员:何映龙)2016年3月31日,第36届国际燃烧会议(International Symposium on Combustion)的口头报告录用通知发布,徐明厚科研团队的讲师温昶和博士研究生吕为智、孙健、冷尔唯、成珊等5名成员,共计6篇论文(附表所示)被录用为会议口头报告。

国际燃烧学会(The Combustion Institute)成立于1954年,是国际燃烧界的最高学术组织,同时主持出版学术期刊Combustion and Flame和Proceedings of the Combustion Institute。国际燃烧学会系列学术会议是国际燃烧界最高等级学术会议,每两年举办一次。



No. Title Authors
1 Loading the same contents of sodium and quartz into different ash-removed coals to elaborately investigate the effect of coal particle combustion on the emission behavior of PM10 Chang Wen, Penghui Zhang, Dunxi Yu, Minghou Xu
2 A kinetic study on oxidation of ferrous sulfide (FeS) in mixtures of CO2 and H2O Weizhi Lv, Dunxi Yu, Jianqun Wu, Xin Yu, Yifan Du, Minghou Xu
3 Effect of KCl and CaCl2 loading on the formation of reaction intermediates during cellulose fast pyrolysis Erwei Leng, Yang Wang, Xun Gong, Biao Zhang, Yang Zhang, Minghou Xu
4 Effect of alkali addition on sulfur transformation during low temperature pyrolysis of sewage sludge Shan Cheng, Yu Qiao, Jingchun Huang, Liwen Cao, Huaizhou Yang, Huan Liu, Yun Yu, Minghou Xu
5 Stabilized CO2 capture performance of extruded-spheronized CaO-based pellets by microalgae templating Jian Sun, Wenqiang Liu, Hongqiang Chen, Yang Zhang, Yingchao Hu, Wenyu Wang, Xian Li, Minghou Xu
6 A mechanistic study of the effects of CO2 on pyrrhotite oxidation Weizhi Lv, Dunxi Yu, Jianqun Wu, Xin Yu, Yifan Du, Minghou Xu